Currently, CHN has nine (9) locations throughout Lake County, Indiana. Since opening our doors in 1998, we provide our patients with compassionate, competent, Patient-Centered Medical/Behavioral Home services (PCMH).
CHN has assembled an accomplished team of medical and behavioral health professionals to carry out our mission. The Board of Directors and staff consist of individuals who bring years of experience in the medical, behavioral health, and corporate industry.
With a staff consisting of family practice physicians, pediatricians, psychologist, nurses, advanced nurse practitioners, licensed clinical social workers with substance abuse treatment certifications, masters-level therapist, RN’s, bilingual medical assistants, certified nurse midwives, and other medical practice professionals, CHN has built a team of qualified individuals working together to meet your health/behavioral care needs.
Confidential & FREE HIV Testing is offered at all locations.
What is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)?
Federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) include all organizations receiving grants under Section 330 of the Public Health Service Act (PHS). FQHCs qualify for enhanced reimbursement from Medicare and Medicaid, as well as other benefits. FQHCs must serve an underserved area or population, offer a sliding fee scale, provide comprehensive services, have an ongoing quality assurance program, and have a governing board of directors.
CHN is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC). A FQHC is a community-based organization that provides comprehensive care and preventive care, including health, oral, and mental health/substance abuse services to people of all ages, regardless of their ability to pay or health insurance status.
CHN is a certified health care coverage enrollment site for all Medicaid programs, including the Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP). CHN serves as the Lead Agency in Lake and Jasper/Newton Counties for Covering Kids & Families of Indiana, Inc., a statewide advocacy program dedicated to ensuring that all eligible individuals are enrolled.
CHN is a member of the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC).
Community HealthNet (CHN) is a not-for-profit, community-based primary healthcare organization committed to providing accessible, affordable, high-quality, medical and behavioral health services. Community HealthNet strives to serve the needs of all families and individuals of all income levels in need of medical and behavioral health care, regardless of their ability to pay.
We Guarantee:
- Compassion
- Quality
- Efficiency
- Professional Services
To achieve this commitment, CHN works in collaboration with other health care providers and service-oriented agencies in the community to provide a continuum of medical and behavioral health care.

Community HealthNet Accepts:
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- Private Insurance (HMO/PPO/PHS)
Payment plans accepted. Payments are accepted on a Sliding Fee Scale.
Please click the link to read HRSA’s Public Notice Regarding CHN’s New Facilities