Community HealthNet Health Centers
“Click here to review CHN’s Continuous Patient Experience and Clinical Quality Improvement Report”
A Medical Home is all about you. Caring about you is the most important job of your Patient Centered Medical Home. In this personal model of health care, your primary provider leads the team of health care professionals that collectively take responsibility for your care. They make sure you get the care you need in wellness and illness to heal your body, mind and spirit.
As your Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH), Community HealthNet will provide you with:
- Patient-Centered Care: You take an active role in your care
- Comprehensive Care: Your physical and mental health care needs are addressed, including prevention
and wellness, acute care, and chronic care - Coordinated Care: Your care is organized across all elements of the broader health care system
- Accessible Care: You are able to access services more quickly in more ways
- Quality and Safety: CHN Clinicians and staff ensure you get quality care when you need it
Additionally, by having CHN as your PCMH you can:
- Have flexibility in your scheduling, including walk-in and same-day appointments
- Message your Care Team, access your medical records, request appointments, and request medicine refills online through MyChart
- Contact your Medical Provider when the Health Center is closed

Our role in your care as your PCMH include:
Learning about you –
- Getting to know you, your family, and your health history
- Communicating effectively with you
- Making sure you understand your care and options
- Helping you decide what care is best for you
Supporting you –
- In caring for yourself
- Setting goals for your care and helping you meet those goals
- Connecting you with classes, support groups, or other types of services to help you stay healthy
YOU are the most important member of the Medical Home Team!
Your role in your PCMH include:
Actively participating in your care –
- Learn what you can do to stay healthy
- Know you are a full partner in your own health care
Communicate with your Medical Home Team –
- Bring questions to each appointment
- Bring a list of any medicines, vitamins, or remedies you use
- If you don’t understand something ask us to explain further
- Keep us informed of care you receive from other health care professionals
- Keep us informed about your experience as part of the Medical Home Team so we can providing
you with the best care and experience possible!